
Metroid Dread resurfaces in MP3: Corruption

Unofficially announced in a 2005 issue of Game Informer, Metroid Dread was rumored to be the 2D follow-up to Metroid Fusion for the DS. Despite never actually being confirmed by Nintendo, "insiders" later claimed that the project was canceled, bludgeoning our hopes into a bloody pulp. Two years and two E3s have passed since the grapevine reports, and two titles for the series, Metroid Prime Pinball and Metroid Prime: Hunters, have been released in its stead, without so much as a single Metroid Dread screenshot to corroborate its existence.

IGN, who've insisted several times over that the game is in development, noticed a nod to the mythical project in its review copy of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Scanning a particular panel with Samus Aran's visor reveals the following message: "Experiment status report update: Metroid project 'Dread' is nearing the final stages of completion." Could Metroid Dread really be on the way, or is this just a friendly prank from Retro Studios? We'll keep photoshopping dreadlocks and rasta hats onto the bounty hunter until we find out!