
Video: 13 minutes of H3 Guardian multiplayer

Earlier this morning we reported that the super secret surprise game that concluded the PAX 07 Omegathon was some Halo 3 multiplayer. Now fellow fanboys, you get to watch over thirteen minutes of said multiplayer fun. Embedded above is part one (part two embedded after the break) of some off-screen recorded video of the Halo 3 Omegathon battle featuring the multiplayer map Guardian and new weapons galore. Hear the crowd cheer as the rocket launcher levels the competition, the energy sword is wielded, firebombs are used, plasma turrets are detached and a gravity hammer is equipped ... the excitement is oh-so contagious. Watch the video above and part two embedded after the break and we think you'll agree that every minute of this Halo 3 Guardian multiplayer extravaganza is good times ... even though the competitors' Halo skills are somewhat lacking.

[Via Joystiq]