
Infogrames company anthem -- grrrrrl, you have no idea deserves every iota of traffic they get from dragging Infogrames' high-production value diva anthem out of the company closet. Just to give an idea of reactions on our own staff, we had uncomfortable school-girl giggles with some words of shock afterward. A few couldn't make it to the end -- but we highly recommend it, especially for the masochists!

The song starts with an electronic piano and the diva rattling off a bunch of games to the music, then something like the Fifth Element's Opera bass line kicks in. The backup singers chant, "Infogrames is innovation, the power of imagination. Infogrames is entertainment that rocks my world!"

We have no idea who sings the song, who wrote it, or anything else. But we're sure the internets can provide answers if somebody starts digging -- and please let us know what you find in the comments. And make sure to listen to the whole song, the belting finale is something not to miss. If you're looking for something utterly cringe inducing today, you won't be disappointed!