
The pros and cons of logging your chat

Did you know that you can save your chat log in WoW? I didn't know how to until I read Mardraum's forum post today. Your chat log can be recorded in WoWChatLog.txt in the logs folder if you type /chatlog before the chat you want to record. If you want to record your combat or the current guild roster, use /combatlog or /saveguildroster respectively. Logging only works for that session, however.

If you want to automatically log all of your text, there is an add-on called Elephant (which I haven't tested) that will do just that and organize it all for you as well.

Here are a few of the benefits and drawbacks of recording your chat:


  • You can use it as grist for your RP stories.

  • You can record in-game interviews and events for blogging about later.

  • It is a great way to record the minutes of guild meetings.

  • You can record your intimacy sessions with your in-game love.


  • Your significant other can find your intimacy sessions with your in-game love.

Ok, it's only one con, but it's a biggie.

Why would (or do) you log your chat?