
Wes Anderson premieres new short on iTunes this week

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that before director and filmmaker Wes Anderson releases his new movie The Darjeeling Limited (it's typical Anderson, which isn't a bad thing if you liked The Life Aquatic or The Royal Tenenbaums as much as I did), he'll release a short film called Hotel Chevalierlater this week at Apple stores across the country and for free on iTunes.

It sounds pretty awesome-- the new short has a few connections to the upcoming movie, but is a film on its own more than just a teaser or trailer. I'm in Chicago, just a mile or so from the Michigan Ave. Store, so I may head down there on Tuesday night to check it out.

And there's one more interesting note in the article-- Anderson says he shot the movie in 2 1/2 days and edited it on his own computer in a week. What kind of computer was that, Mr. Anderson? Could Apple be able to pick up someone to finally defend iMovie?