
You can see his stripes, but you know he's clean

Oh, don't you see what I mean? The latest update on No More Heroes is the very best kind of update, in our eyes. It's a tiger-icon-related update. We've been dying of curiosity about the unconventional HUD elements in Suda 51's super-stylish, otaku-themed action game. TGS brought us tentative word that it was related to a "super mode" of some kind, and now we can see it for ourselves.

Each successful combo activates a slot machine; when you get three Grasshopper Manufacture grasshopper-guy heads, Travis transforms into a "Dark Side" mode; his skin darkens, his hair lightens and he can fight with enhanced speed and strength-- until the tiger walks across the screen to a "goal" area. Having a tiger walk a short distance is a perfectly logical way to express a limited strength increase, right?