
STO devlog 4.0 reveals nothing except the dev team's geekiness

Star Trek Online

news is still sparse. We've heard nothing since we read the third devlog over a month ago. Now the fourth devlog is out, and it completely lacks new information about the game itself. However, it does eliminate any fears you might have had that the team at Perpetual Entertainment were not true Star Trek fans. We already assumed they were. After all, they're computer programmers and/or sci-fi artists. Plus, they're making a Star Trek MMO.

The individual members of the development team answered questions like, "What's your fondest Star Trek-related memory" and "If you could bring one character from the Star Trek universe into Star Trek Online, who would it be?" The latter of those was the most amusing question. "We got a lot of requests for Q, Data, and Khan," the devlogger writes. "That explosion you just heard was the design team's brains trying to figure out how to integrate two dead guys and an omnipotent space god into the game."

Indeed. As for the omnipotent space god, though, we think Richard Garriott might have a big enough ego to roleplay the part. Just a thought!