
DS Daily: Did you ever doubt the DS?

When Nintendo first unveiled our portable friend back in the uncertain days of January 2004, the internet reaction bordered on hysterical -- flabbers everywhere were well and truly gasted. Two screens, one a touchscreen? On a handheld? Had Nintendo finally gone ever so slightly mad?

Well, no, they hadn't. Turns out, we needn't have worried. Yesterday, we learned that the twenty millionth DS had just sold in Japan, while it continues to mercilessly stomp all over the competition everywhere else. But that happy news got us thinking, back to that first announcement. We'll I'll be honest (it wouldn't be fair to suggest the entire team feels the same way) -- I had my doubts. I thought Nintendo had gambled a little too much. I was proven delightfully wrong.

But what about you? Honestly now: did you ever think Nintendo had dreamt up a great big, steaming pile of fail when it unveiled the DS? You can tell us. We're all friends here.