
Japanese release of Wii Fit met by loooong queues

We may still lack solid numerical data when it comes to Japanese sales of Wii Fit, but all the early signs have been pointing to Nintendo scoring another major non-game hit.

The scene to the right, for example, shows a queue of soon-to-be Wii Fit owners, patiently lining up in Akihibara. As the pictures after the jump and at the link below illustrate, this is far from a one-off; Wii Fit is shaping up to be big, in a way that poor old Super Mario Galaxywasn't.

Barring shortages of the Balance Board, or another miraculous performance from Dragon Quest IV (not that that should be completely ruled out), expect Wii Fit to be hogging top spot in Japan next week.

[Via Codename Revolution]