
Massively's Pirates of the Burning Sea character creation videos

Random Appearance and Clothing Coloring System Video

When creating a new character in Pirates of the Burning Sea you pick from three nationalities, British, Spanish or French. Or you can choose to be allied with no country but yourself as a Pirate. From there you can customize the look of your seafaring avatar.

Overall, the character customization is what we've come to expect from new MMOs: detailed, rich and varied. I'm particularly impressed with the embroidered trim on the clothes and the opportunity to use two color on every option, including hair.

I also like that there are Asian faces and African skin tones available. Even though the national options are limited to Western European countries, the races represented visually still span the globe.

More videos of each and every character creation option for Male avatars after the jump!

One criticism I have of the character creation options is no slider for body shape or age. Everyone in this game is a supertoned 20 year old. What if one wanted to play a fat, surly pirate captain? Or a young castaway? Or an older, wizened sea dog? There are no visual options to help you with that.

Another criticism I have is that you start the game with every conceivable visual slot filled with great looking clothes. How do you show progression of your character? In many other games, you start with a dirty shirt and a rusty dagger. As you gain renown and phat loot, people will know as it appear on your avatar with shiny armor and large, glowing weaponry. I suppose there will be other ways to display your status in the game, but at the beginning everyone looks well heeled.

Overall, I enjoyed making my character with the PotBS creation tools. The color options and wide variety of choices allow players to look distinctive from each other early on in the game. What remains to be seen is if there is room to show your character's advancement as they progress through the game.

If you're interested in the options in character creation, check out the three videos below. They cover every choice available for Male avatars during creation split up into Head, Body and Legs, including eye patches, boot straps and pirate hats.

Character Creation Video - Head

Character Creation Video - Body

Character Creation Video - Legs