
PixelJunk Monsters joins the Remote Play line-up

Currently available only in Japan, the upcoming PSN game PixelJunk Monsters, will support Remote Play. This will allow players to play the game on their PSPs from anywhere with a wi-fi signal. According to Q-Games' Dylan Cuthbert, it is one of the best titles on Remote Play, thanks to its ability to play with low bandwidth. "We also support PSP remote play and it is probably one of the first games that supports this really well - ie. it is totally playable through your PSP, even at low bandwidths."

We're glad that more developers are adding this oft-forgotten feature to their PS3 games. With Remote Play and new downloadable titles reaching the PLAYSTATION Store, it's clear that PSP fans are getting more and more ways of getting games on their system.

[Thanks, Nick C.! Via PlayStation Boards]

Update: Video provided by PSP GadgetZ.