
Reminder: Pirates of the Burning Sea open beta has already begun for Fileplanet users, others very soon [updated]

Update 1: Reader Errantdreams pointed out that the open beta was available for closed beta testers and paying Founders Club members of Fileplanet since December 3rd.
Update 2: Some digging on the forums has led to the discovery that you can get your free beta key right now from Hurry over to get yours!

Last week Flying Lab Software lifted the NDA on Pirates of the Burning Sea, and dished out some open beta details. As of the 7th of December, the open beta for PotBS has been available for Fileplanet subscribers.

We also learned that the open beta proper is supposed to begin four days after the short Fileplanet-exclusive access period. This should mean that everyone else will be able to sail the Burning Seas on December the 11th, or very soon now. In a matter of hours you may be beginning your nautical adventure. The thing is, the original news story from the PotBS site also states that the full open beta will begin "within a week" of the Fileplanet stage -- so hopefully the more specific "four days" is the one they stick to.

If you are in fact a Fileplanet subscriber then you could already have been playing, and you can visit Fileplanet's PotBS beta page to salvage what is left of your headstart. If not, the PotBS homepage is probably where you want to be, crossing your fingers and hoping that you'll be joining the other scurvy dogs soon.