
Gov. Schwarzenegger distances self from Conan games

While he might be a big shot politician these days, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will always be associated with his breakthrough movie role as Conan the Barbarian. So it's not horribly unfair for the ABC7 Sacramento news team to ask the Governor's office how his public opposition to video game violence gels with THQ's new, extremely gory Conan video game. "The Conan character existed far before the governor portrayed him in the movies, and it still exists in different forms of entertainment," said Aaron McLear, the governor's press secretary. "The governor has no association with that game."

Fair enough, but we're a little disappointed the ABC7 reporter didn't go the extra step and ask Schwarzenegger how he felt about the violence in the Conan movie -- the one he was associated with. Surely some children were exposed to the movie's wonton brutality and turned into broadsword wielding murderers, right? So why the double standard? And why no Kindergarten Cop video game? Inquiring minds want to know!

[Via GamePolitics]