
Reminder: WoW Insider's notebook giveaway continues

Have you seen WoW Insider's huge contest for that kitted-out WoW edition notebook from Dell? It is blowing up-- there are already over eleven thousand entries and counting. And did you know that you can actually enter once every day the contest is in effect, all the way until this coming Friday afternoon? Sure, with 11,000 people entering, your chances of winning are pretty slim. But if you've only posted once already, you could double them by posting today. And triple them by posting tomorrow. See where we're going with this?

Run over to the WoW Insider contest post and put another comment up if you haven't already today (and in the meantime, you can drool over their writeup of the system and think how much money you'll save if you win). Sure, it's repetitive and mindless action with the slim promise of a great reward, but c'mon, we're MMO players. We're used to that by now, right?