
Top 5 on PSP: Puzzle

The PSP has plenty of owners, but some claim it doesn't have many great games. With that in mind, every day this week we'll feature a new genre and list the top 5 games (according to metareviews), so no matter what you're into, you'll have some idea of what games you should own. Today the focus is on puzzle games, which the PSP first became known for. But there's more good puzzle games than just Lumines.

Top 5 Puzzle games on PSP

  1. Lumines

  2. LocoRoco

  3. Lumines 2

  4. Mercury Meltdown

  5. Exit

What makes the puzzle games on the PSP so unique is how they are audio/video showcases, which seems odd when you consider how puzzle games used to be. Of course, these 5 games are enjoyable to play as well, which is what really counts. Though I am suprised there weren't even more Q? Entertainment titles in the top 5. But what do you think about these 5 games? What puzzle games aren't on this list that you think every PSP owner should have?

If you missed it, you can check out our previous top 5 game lists:






[Data Via Metacritic]