
Microsoft: Wii controls don't 'kick ass'

Microsoft doesn't have immediate plans to introduce a motion-sensitive controller for the Xbox 360, but will wait and see how well the Wii's and PS3's attempts work out in the long run. Developer Group General Manager Chris Satchell told CVG today, "We're [sic] yet to see a really good game on Wii that really says 'OK that control kicked ass.'" So far, we have toagree.

The winner of this generation of console wars could have a serious impact on the future of the industry, since each of the big three offers a unique control option: Xbox's tried-and-true gamepad, Wii's exciting but risky motion-sensitive wand, and PS3's "Eh, let's try everything and see what works" hodgepodge. Who shall triumph? Call us crazy, we're still hoping for a return of the U-Force.