
Pay for your WoW account with PayPal

BlizzCon attendees already know this, but Blizzard just officially announced the ability to pay for your WoW account with PayPal.

At BlizzCon, there was a PayPal booth where you could enter a contest to win one of 2 Segways, complete with helmet, if you switched your WoW account payment over to PayPal. Even if you didn't stop by the booth, the PayPal employees handed out many, many flyers.

I think this is a step forward to make it easier for some customers to pay for their online hobby. Of course, the easier it is to pay, the greater the chance customers will keep doing it. It's good business. And it didn't even take developers off of whatever content you are waiting for!

Is this good news for you? Will this make it easier for those of you currently using game time cards?

And, if you are one of the BlizzCon attendees who won a Segway, will you please send us action pictures?