
Biofeedback signals used to predict gamers' moves

While it's no shock that artificial intelligence as a whole is making strides, a pair of Hungarian researchers have seemingly unlocked a secret that gamers are sure to detest. Laszlo Laufer and Bottyan Nemeth, both from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, have reportedly "discovered that a gamer's button presses can be predicted two seconds before they make them, through measurements of skin conductance." To make such a bold claim, the duo had guinea pigs play a simple game while their heart rate and skin conductance were measured, and after utilizing "neural networks to analyze the biofeedback signals and input records," the data showed that we humans aren't as unpredictable as we sometimes hope to be. Notably, this unearthing could be used in quite a few applications outside of infuriating gamers, but we all know where the real fun in this is.

[Via The Raw Feed]