
Another FlickrExport 3 sneak peek: photosets


is one of my must have Mac apps. This little plugin for iPhoto, or Aperture, makes it a breeze to export photos from iPhoto/Aperture to Flickr. Getting your photos on Flickr is only part of the joys that FlickrExport offers up, it also makes tagging your photos very easy (and this is coming from a lazy tagger).

Fraser Speirs, the developer behind FlickrExport, has posted a sneak peek at Flickr Export 3 on the Connected Flow blog. This screencast shows off FlickrExport 3's advanced set creation abilities. I, for one, can't wait to get my hands on this version of FlickrExport as I make tons of sets on Flickr, and this will save me lots of time.

No shipping date has been announced for FlickrExport 3 and update details are not known, though you can get a license for FlickrExport 2 right now for iPhoto (£12), a lite version for Aperture (free), or Aperture (£12).