
Deal of the day: $50 Sirius gift card for $55

So we're starting to realize how Best Buy is pulling in record profits while the rest of the industry crashes and burns: it's the little things, you see. For instance, the ubiquitous big box retailer is offering a $50 pre-paid Sirius gift card on its online site for the bargain price of only $55; a $5 markup for a little voucher whose "holiday version" can be purchased three lines below for the normal price -- that is, if it wasn't somehow sold out online. (How hard is it to print up a new batch of those things, anyway?) The distraught customer could head to Best Buy's XM section, where $55 gift cards only cost $55, or he or she could simply click over to rival Circuit City, where not only does the same $50 card actually cost $50, it's available immediately and not backordered one to two weeks.

Update: Looks like the price has changed to $50, which is certainly good for you, the consumer, but perhaps not so good for you, the Best Buy shareholder, who will now surely be a victim of plunging profits this quarter.

[Via Orbitcast]