
Cinemassively: Metaversatility - Orange Island

(Today's Cinemassively was previously intended to be the premiere of Illegal Danish 2: Escape from Orgrimmar. Unfortunately, was hacked yesterday and the screening was delayed. As soon as it is up, it will be featured here.)

Metaversatility has created a Machinima for the French telecom, Orange. Their creative space, Orange Island in Second Life, is chock-full of activities. One of the features that I find most interesting are the trees, by Kriss Lehmann of Straylight, which change colors with the seasons.

Part music video and part guided tour, the video explains some of what you can do on the island. We previously covered Orange Island in October, but if you'd like more information, or a high resolution version of the Machinima, please visit their website.