
Rock Band Weekly: Iron Maiden, The Hives, Stone Temple Pilots

Don't expect a road map of Rock Band's downloadable content for the future, but you can plan on getting that second mortgage on your house because the excellent DLC just keeps flowing. This week brings us three different decades of rock and you should feel free to go with the emotion of each decade. For Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast start banging your head, then get strung out and depressed for Stone Temple Pilot's Interstate Love Song and, finally, get hipster and pour yourself an appletini with The Hives' Die, All Right! Some good songs to play while "waiting on a Sunday afternoon."

Individual songs

  • Number of the Beast - Iron Maiden *Cover* (160 MS points/ $2)

  • Die, All Right! - The Hives (160 MS points/ $2)

  • Interstate Love Song - Stone Temple Pilots (160 MS Points / $2))

Videos of the songs can be found after the break. Reminder: Harmonix will be announcing Rock Band DLC every Monday from now on, and the DLC will continue to be available Tuesday on Xbox 360 and Thursday on PS3.