
Eye of Judgment patch allows for private rooms

While this update is actually relatively old (released on the 20th of December) we were far too busy playing all the great Autumn titles to check Eye of Judgment for updates. Imagine our surprise, then, when we loaded up the game to find that not only was there a new patch, but that it also fixed one of our biggest qualms about EOJ's online play.

The patch list contains details of the game's improvements and includes being able to select your voice input device from within the game as well as various other performance enhancements. The main attraction to the update, however, is the ability to have private rooms for online play.

When the game was first released online play against your friends was a troublesome affair. After sending an invite to your selected victim playmate they would then have, at most, two minutes before some random player jumps into your game room instead. The fix allows you to lock your room for custom matches, which means that only invited players can join.