
Condemned 2's multiplayer modes revealed

Sega said awhile back that Condemned 2: Bloodshot would feature online multiplayer, but we never really knew exactly what that would entail, until now. Sega revealed today that Condemned, which ships on March 11, will feature four online multiplayer modes that supports up to eight players simultaneously.

Those modes are:

  • Crime Scene is a round-based competition to find and protect valuable evidence within the Condemned universe. One team will use its forensic tools to track and scan the evidence while the opposing team will do everything in its power to keep the evidence hidden and protected.

  • Bum Rush is a team-based race against time. With three minutes before one team can safely be evacuated, players must hold off an onslaught of attacks by the other team until the timer runs out to stand a chance of survival.

  • Deathmatch is the classic free-for-all mode. Players can use every weapon they can find to dispatch enemies as quickly as possible in this melee battle royale. The player with the highest score at the end of the time limit wins.

  • Team Deathmatch is the team-based version of the classic free-for-all mode. Working together, players pick up weapons from the environment and fight off as many enemies as possible before the clock runs down. The team with the highest score after the time limit wins.

It appears Sega's giving players the standard multiplayer modes that we've all come to love, but Crime Scene sounds pretty interesting as it is the only one to be centered around the game's excellent forensic tool system. The more we hear from this game, the more excited we get. We can't wait until March!