
Taiko Drum Master boxart wants you to be excited for the game

When it comes to dissecting boxart, there's usually one man who can get the job done. However, when it comes to Taiko Drum Master, there's little stopping this blogger from destroying all in his path to the delicious news. The latest on 7-tsu no Shima no Daibouken (known as Taiko Drum Master: 7 Islands' Adventure to us English-speaking folk) presents us with the boxart you see above.

Looking at the boxart, we see the overly-cute taiko leaping high above the islands that make up the game's title. The slight sparkles surrounding the taiko implies that this game is fresh and clean, one that is new and waiting for an anxious player to pick it up. Also, you can see the taiko is directly above the volcano, causing us to believe it shot the little guy out toward the clouds, smile upon its face, so that it may leap to your attention and have you pick it up off the shelf. Of course, if you were to jump into a volcano in real life, you would probably not be the same anymore.

You'd probably be Vader.