
Microsoft: Crackdown 2 still a possibility

Speaking to Wired,Microsoft Game Studios VP Shane Kim mentioned the possibility of a sequel to Crackdown. While Real Time Worlds -- creators of Crackdown -- stated last year that a sequel wasn't in the works (they're focusing on other projects), it seems Kim is still open to the idea. It seems that the folks at the Microsoft gang still "love" Crackdown, as Kim says, "We consider that a pretty successful title for us, high-quality, I think that customers would like to see more in that space. So that's an option for us." What remains unknown is whether Microsoft intends to ask Real Time Worlds to create the sequel or if the project will be given to a different developer. While the prospect of Crackdown 2 is definitely music to our ears, we can only hope the reins wind up in the right hands. The remainder of Kim's Wired interview comes out soon. Here's hoping we can learn more.