
Eye of Judgment set 2 detailed & dated for March 27th

No doubt fans of Eye of Judgment have already collected every card in season one and have battled various opponents more times than you can count. If the game is starting to feel a little bit stale, then we've got some good news for you - there's only a month to wait before the expansion. Containing 100 cards, season 2 should reinvigorate the game, not to mention all the extra rules and abilities that are also featured. Season 2 will hit shelves (and the Playstation Network) on March 27th.

The expansion will be a paid download from the PlayStation Store. There's no word on how much it will cost, but the PlayStation.Blog confirms that people who don't buy it will be able to play against those who do, which is excellent news. Alongside the expansion a network update will be released to all Eye of Judgment owners which will improve certain game features and implement an in-game encyclopedia as well as "special matches". For more information on the new cards and abilities be sure to check out Mark Valledor's post on the PlayStation.Blog.