
DS Daily: Do you still read gaming magazines?

Thanks to the internet and, hey, sites like this one, gaming magazines have been read the last rites on numerous occasions in recent years.

This saddens us, and not just because we're nostalgic old fools. Magazines still prove useful to us on an almost daily basis. For one, we write about their contents quite a lot. And for this blogger, they make excellent bathroom reading (taking a DS on bathroom breaks is out of the question. It's unhygienic, and the DS has never mixed well with water). There's a healthy, dog-eared pile of old Edges and other assorted publications in the bathroom of Casa de Greenhough.

What did you used to read? What do you read now? And do you think gaming magazines have a bright future, or are the print dinosaurs heading for extinction?

As a cheeky aside, we'd like to use today's DS Daily to remind you good folks about DS Fanboy's new twitter presence. If you're a fellow twitterer, join us at and read all about our lives as we laugh and cry our way through each blogging day. You'll discover who hates who, who's sleeping with who, and who has plans to overthrow Alisha and David as blog leads.*

* Rather boringly, the answer to all of these is "nobody."