
City of Heroes to sell character slots

Seems like we missed this intriguing little bit of info, but just in case you did, too, City of Heroes devs have announced that shortly after the release of issue 12, they're planning to start selling extra character slots for an extra fee.

It's not exactly a new idea -- Guild Wars will sell character slots for a whopping $10 per, up to a limit of 26 beyond the four offered with each purchased edition of the game. City of Heroes doesn't mention a price yet, obviously (or a date when the slots will be on sale), but that seems high, so we'd expect it to be lower than that.

For a certain number of players, the ability to have extra characters is probably very valuable, while for others, it's not something they'd pay even cheaply for. In that way, it's actually a good idea for games that might need a little extra help staying afloat -- it's one more source of revenue directly from fans extremely interested in keeping the game alive.

[Via KTR]