
The long goodbye to Gary Gygax continues

The death of Gary Gygax earlier this month is still sinking in for the nerd nation. Despite some viciously cruel (and completely off-base) commentary on his legacy, it's fair to say that his work had an enormous impact on gaming as a hobby. Videogames in particular have been affected by his work, and to explore that the Newsweek games blog LevelUp has been chatting with various industry paragons about how D&D affected them. As you might imagine, the MMO developer crowd is well represented; NCsoft's Richard Garriott, EA Mythic CEO Mark Jacobs, and Sony Online CEO John Smedley all weigh in with a few words about their time with pen and paper.

Mr. Smedley and Mr. Garriott are well-known D&D players, with the game's influence on the Ultima and EverQuest titles a fairly open bit of gaming trivia. Mr. Jacobs, though, had an especially interesting take on what has been lost since the early days of tabletop gaming: "I think we've lost some creativity, challenge and true social interaction. If you go back to the heyday of table-top gaming, you had an amazing variety of games, worlds, etc. to explore ... while games like EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot, World of Warcraft, etc. have their own magic and wonder, some of the pen-and-paper gaming sessions that I participated in were a lot more fun, intense and immersive than anything I've played on a computer."