
Latest portable SNES mod is actually portable

Typical -- you finally get your hands on a (sort of) portable SNES, only for someone else to bring out a slimmer, more svelte model three and a half months down the line. Bah. Anyway, this latest handheld Super Nintendo mod is the mightily impressive work of a Ben Heck forum user (whose name we can't locate, due to the forums being down; leave a comment for credit and cookies!), who not only shows off his new baby by playing Star Fox (much like the creator of the last portable SNES -- is Star Fox some kind of modding community in-joke?), but also spends some time listing everything he's squeezed in there.

As it happens, this includes a 5-inch Zenith LCD, a headphone socket, and ports for A/V out and a second controller. Kudos to you, sir, but we think we marginally prefer the retro look of the older, wooden version, even if it is heftier.

[Via Engadget]