
Bioshock creator's top five games includes WoW

It may not really be a shock to us here at Massively, but Ken Levine likes to play a lot of World of Warcraft. In fact, he says that he plays it at least a few minutes every day and sometimes far longer than that. For many of us actively playing an MMO, they can serve as a kind of place that we finish our day at as we watch the evening hours dwindle. So we can easily see where Ken is coming from when he says, "You know how in the movies when the father comes home, and he puts on his slippers and drinks a glass of scotch? Well, that's WoW to me."

Granted, there are days when we find ourselves slipping into hours of play in our own favorite massively multiplayer online game. Sometimes you just get caught up in things, especially if you've rolled as many alts as we have over the years.