
WoW Insider Show Episode 33 now available

Yes, episode number 33 of our podcast is now up for download over at WoW Radio, and if you're a big fan of the show, it's a doozy. Since we haven't done our "normal" show in a few weeks (because of the interview with Xzin last time around), we decided to go all fan service, and caught up on all the shout-outs, fan email, and other fan shenanigans we usually do (there's even some Turpster love poetry). But even if you're not down with the silliness, there's lots of good WoW news in this week's episode, including:

  • Some good discussion about the Wrath alpha news and what it means

  • A look at what's going down on Sunwell Plateau, including the Aldor and Scyer neckpieces

  • And a little bit about the Gurubashi Arena in STV

  • Plus we answer all kinds of email questions, including rested XP in expansions, what's wrong with Blackout in a shadow priest spec, and whether we should call the new five man MrT or MgT

Lots of good stuff with John P, Turpster and myself. As always, if you have questions or comments for us, feel free to drop an email: send it to

And of course, you can always listen live -- we go live on the air every Saturday afternoon at 3:30pm EST over on WoW Radio. Tune in next Saturday and every Saturday for the WoW Insider Show -- it's just like this very site, except in audio form.