
Warhammer Online tours America, unites people

It's not stating the situation too excessively to remark that people are excited about this game. Many are anticipating it with the same fervor mustered by religious zealots. Some use the phrase 'WoW Killer'. And all of this without even having played the thing at all.

Well, there's news that might mitigate that last little bit: If you can't wait for the eventual open beta download, you can play WAR at a few events across the country! The list of events, with locations and dates, after the jump!

* New York Comic Con: April 18-20, 2008 (New York, NY)
- Catch the WAR stage show extravaganza with Paul and Jeff at 12:00 noon on Sunday, April 20.
- Join Jeff for the MMO discussion panel at 4:00pm on April 20th.
* Origins: June 26-29, 2008 (Columbus, OH)
* Comic Con: July 24-27, 2008 (San Diego, CA)
* Gen Con Indy: August 14-17, 2008 (Indianapolis, IN)
* Penny-Arcade Expo: August 29-31, 2008 (Seattle, WA)

In addition, the developers will be showing WAR at Games Workshop's upcoming Games Days:

* Baltimore, MD: June 14, 2008
* Toronto, ON: June 21, 2008
* Chicago, IL: July 26, 2008
* Los Angeles, CA: August 23, 2008

It's so close you can almost taste it! Go visit these events, check out the realm vs. realm gameplay, and vie for a chance to enter the closed beta test. And tell 'em Massively sent you!