
Peerless Slimline HDTV mount is just 0.4-inches thin

Peerless has been known to crank out some fairly svelte wall mounts for flat-panels, but it really outdid itself with this one. Christened the "world's thinnest mounts," the Slimline universal mounting solution comes in at just 0.4-inches thick, which would unquestionably bring your LCD / plasma ridiculously close to the wall. Though even Peerless mentions that Hitachi's 1.5-inch units work marvelously with this, it is designed to handle practically any flat-panel weighing less than 150-pounds and measuring less than 60-inches. Users can even pick up an in-wall AV accessory box to neatly tuck away those cables and connectors, but considering that pricing information is glaringly absent, we're a tad scared to imagine what this thing actually costs.

[Via DailyGame]