
Infinite Interactive reveals Neopets Puzzle Adventure, gets death threats

While we find it no joke, apparently Infinite Interactive's CEO Steve Fawkner thought that his company's receiving death threats was worth a slight chuckle. Heck, if the company received death threats before they revealed this, then they're sure to receive many, many more after today.

That sound you hearing? It's probably Eric, crying his eyes out as we hear about Infinite Interactive's new project, Neopets Puzzle Adventure. He's probably the biggest fan of their first title, Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords, we have on staff, so afford him some time to mourn.

If you still find yourself interested in the title despite it's Neopets branding, know that Joystiq managed to get some play time in with the title and actually enjoyed it. Hopefully that'll be enough to pull Eric out of his dark place.


Source - Infinite Interactive reveals Neopets Puzzle Adventure
Source - Infinite Interactive death threat