
It's-a Mario World: Mario's Many Professions, Part 1 of 2

Welcome to another edition of It's-a Mario World, where we seemingly spend more time blathering about Mario games than we do playing them. In last week's feature debut, we presented a gallery detailing some of the elusive pickups of Mushroom Kingdom history. This week, we begin a two-part catalogue of our hero's job experience, analyzing the many professions Mario has belonged to in his 27-year career, and in what capacity. Attempting chronology and comprehensiveness, this is indeed Mario's Super Résumé.

Not content with the popular belief that Mario is simply a plumber by trade, we've scoured the known Nintendo universe to find out exactly what else he has been. Considered altogether, the results are pretty impressive. More than a mere adventurer, Mario has championed everything from the assembly line to the tennis courts. Refer yourself to our gallery where you'll be shocked and amazed at the varying talents of our red-capped protagonist.

It's-a Mario World is a weekly feature in which the ubiquity of Nintendo's flagship character is celebrated: We'll incessantly ruminate about mustache wax, debate the curious whereabouts of the princess and covet the luminous power stars strewn about the galaxy. Check back here every Thursday to find out what strange and wonderful thing has got us tipping our caps.