
Fatal Frame IV outshines E3

Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse might not be an E3-related goodie, but truthfully, it's probably one of the best things we've seen this week. In the video above you can watch a trailer for this spine-chilling, oh-man-it-will-definitely-be-super-scary game, which is sure to please some of you that were left unimpressed by yesterday's Nintendo keynote.

What's even better, though, is watching others get scared by Fatal Frame -- which itself is only topped by watching people pretending to be afraid. We don't normally associate "Fatal Frame" and "fantastically funny" in the same thread of thought, but if you watch the Japanese TV ads that are also in this video, you'll understand where we're going with this.

Lucky Japanese gamers get to be scared on their couches as soon as July 31st, but the rest of us will just have to sit pretty hope this beauty gets localized soon.

Gallery: Fatal Frame 4