
Valkyria Chronicles is NOT coming to PSP

Remember the PSP game montage at today's Sony Press Conference? Sure you do, it happened only a matter of hours ago. You might have noticed that a video of Valkyria Chronicles, SEGA's strategy RPG, was included in the montage, at which point we literally squeeled with joy. Not only was a potentially great JRPG coming to the PSP, but it looked almost identical to the PS3 version. Too good to be true, right?

Right. Valkyria Chronicles is definitely not in development for the PSP, as confirmed by the PlayStation Blog's Jeff Rubenstein. In what we assume was a major video editing mistake, the game's logo and in-game footage was placed within the montage and ... wasn't noticed during the rehearsal on Sunday? Oh well. Honestly, there's no mystery here, Valkyria Chonricles is not coming to PSP. You'll have to be satisfied with Super Stardust Portable, which is definitely enough to keep us happy.