
Slow, steady steps mark Fatal Frame videos, interview

Missing Fatal Frame IV at E3? Some news about the Nintendo-published, Tecmo/Grasshopper Manufacture-developed horror sequel would have been welcome in an E3 characterized by screaming about a lack of "core" games. Fatal Frame, with its long history of making you want to keep the lights on while playing, would certainly have stood out. Late is better than never, however, especially when there's a lengthy Creator's Voice segment up on the Japanese Wii site featuring Fatal Frame IV's producer and director, Keisuke Kikuchi and Makoto Shibata.

They've got a lot of interesting things to say about the series, and particularly this installment. It sounds like the Wii control scheme allowed them to realize a lot of things they've always wanted to do with the games, without completely revolutionizing the title. Instead, they've taken a few very solid steps forward, while keeping the staples that have been scaring the pants off gamers for years.

If you click through on the video above to watch it at YouTube, you can read subtitles from the interview (provided by NeoGAF poster Stormbringer). The subtitles unfortunately don't show up here, but the video is still fantastic. Or, to read a recap of the whole thing, check out the version at IGN.

While you're in the video-watching mood, you might also want to check out these Fatal Frame IV commercials, which are hilarious(ly accurate) and worth a few minutes of you're time. They're the videos with the nightvision lighting, which you may have seen in the middle of a longer video here, but if you didn't ... go watch them.
