
BioWare including toolset with Dragon Age Origins

Though we're sure BioWare PC fans appreciated how free it was, having to wait for Mass Effect DLC must have been tough for them after getting used to creating their own content in Neverwinter Nights. Today, the company announced it would be returning to form with Dragon Age Origins, revealing the content creation tools that will be packed in with the game.

We've put full details after the jump, but expect to be able to fully customize and create your own Dragon Age adventures and share them with the rest of the community. If you want an early look at the tools, you can head to PAX, where they'll be on display Sunday afternoon.

  • Create Original Adventures - Using the rich set of Dragon Age assets and locations as starting blocks, users can modify these stunning areas by adding new quests, characters and scripting to craft their own adventures, fate-defining conversations and cut-scenes.

  • Powerful Script Editor - Users can fully customize combat and creature AI, allowing them to create detailed action sequences full of heart-pounding party-based tactical combat.

  • Content Creators Community - BioWare plans to have a dedicated community area online where content creators can share content easily and get content updates for the toolset. -- On-Going Toolset Content Updates - BioWare plans to release additional assets and features for the toolset in the future, allowing for expanded creation of new areas.