
One Shots: Night fishing

We asked around with the staff, and one of the surprising things they really enjoy in Lord of the Rings Online is fishing! While it isn't necessarily one of the things that jumps to mind when many people think MMO, you have to admit, it's a relaxing way to enjoy your game while chatting with your friends. Today's One Shots comes to us from ReijMan, who was enjoying some down-time recently and writes: I'm sure you got a lot of nice LotRO piccies, and 30% of them [involve] fishing, but I wanted to share this one with you.

Do you have a favorite thing to do to just relax and spend time in your favorite MMO? Perhaps you're all action instead, opting to see just what you can and can't get away with solo. We'd love to see your favorite MMO places -- just send them to us here at oneshots AT along with a quick description.