
One Shots: Masquerade!

Not sure what to make of this merry scene? Don't be afraid -- those aren't scarecrows. Today's One Shots shows off another fun image from Lord of the Rings Online, this time featuring some of the silly pumpkin/gourd masks you can get as part of the Harvest Festival! Perthir, our regular One Shots contributor sent this in to us and explains:

Left to right pumpkin heads are Perthir, Shamone and Graemir, the Beaver in front is Sindarin. To earn the masks we spent some time Trick & Treating around Middle Earth! We're stood in front of the Defenders of the White Tree (EU Eldar) kinhouse.

We dig the LotRO Harvest Festival masks, but have to admit that pumpkins always make us want pumpkin pie. Mmmm. If you've got any great screenshots of an accomplishment your guild/fellowship/group/corp/etc has achieved, or just screens of you all being silly together, we'd love to see them. Just send them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name/guild/server and whatever information you'd like to give us on what's going on in the screenshot. We'll make your image Internet famous!*
*Well, we'll host it anyway. You'll have to make it awesome for true Internet fame.