
Mega Man 3, potential new Art Style games rated in Australia

Two more games presumed to be Art Style remakes of bit Generations games showed up on the OFLC database: Rotohex and Cubello. Rotohex was the original name for Dialhex, a puzzle game involving rotating triangles to form same-colored hexagons, back when the series was known as Digitylish. The GBA game even received an ESRB rating under that name. Cubello is probably Coloris, a game about matching colored blocks by shifting their colors along the visible spectrum. Unless it isn't an Art Style game.

Mega Man 3 needs no introduction. It's the NES game that most closely vies with Mega Man 2 for the title of "Most Beloved Mega Man game," the one that introduced Rush, sliding, and the least menacingly Robot Master ever, Top Man. He attacks with the power of tops!