
A look at the new classes of WoW, LotRO and WAR

The Book of Grudges, a Warhammer Online blog, is taking an interesting look at World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings Online and Warhammer Online -- the big three, basically -- and the fact that each of them is currently adding classes to their game worlds. What's even more interesting is that each of these three games is handling their new classes in very different fashions. Death Knights are a big epic instanced experiences; Runekeepers and Wardens are designed to be solo-able and compliment each other well and Knights of the Blazing Sun and Black Guards are being integrated into the game the game via a special in-game event.

It's interesting that you could play each of the new class experiences in succession and none of them would operate in the same way. That's a surprisingly large amount of variety between three very-fantasy titles -- one of which is based in the origin of high-fantasy.