
Don King Boxing makes a surprise comeback

Hey, remember 2K Sports' Don King Presents Prizefighter? Kinda? The licensed boxing game was announced last December for release last spring, back before Facebreaker bombed and Punch-Out!! made other Wii boxing games irrelevant. Despite not hearing anything at all since Balance Board functionality was revealed, the game has not been cancelled. Nintendo Everything posted some new screenshots from a mysterious source, indicating that work was being done. We found the screens' origin -- at an official site that had quietly appeared in December for the boxing game, now titled a much less confusing Don King Boxing.

It looks -- okay. It's not going to divert anyone's funds away from Punch-Out!!, that's for sure. It's automatically better than Ready 2 Rumble in that it is devoid of Hasselhoff caricatures. And the vaunted Balance Board training, which is supposed to be a real workout? Looks like the Rhythm Boxing game from Wii Fit. According to GameStop, Don King Boxing is scheduled for a release on March 31, 2009. We'll see how that works out.
