
Bioware chronicles Sonic Chronicles

As our rudimentary French extends to asking for directions and words that aren't suitable for a family site such as this one, we haven't a clue what's being said here by the Bioware bods who are working on Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. We'd like to think that they're desperately trying to justify the inclusion of Big the Cat, or maybe laying into all the games that have tarnished Sonic's good name these past few years.

Whatever they're gassing about, we advise you keep watching, because the video contains the first glimpses of Sonic Chronicles in action, including some of those Ouendan-style battle mechanics that we're looking forward to trying out. There's not very much to see, but it's all we have, and it looks pretty great. For more footage of beardy Canadian men speaking French and writing on whiteboards interspersed with very short snippets of Sonic Chronicles, hit the break.


[Via Nintendo Everything]