
WoW blog roundup

Time for another tour of the WoW blog kingdom...

Why now? | Alts Ahoy
All of a sudden Nasirah enjoys playing a shaman where it was boring before. In this post, she muses on why her mind has changed.

How to annoy NPC's - Keep Clicking on them! | Pugnacious Priest
Amusing detective work shows what happens when you annoy an NPC, including quotes on what they'll do to you if you don't stop. To bad you can't back-talk them too.

Sir, I Respectfully Disagree | ChickGM
A well-put and humorous rebuttal to two of WoW Insider's posts about what traits make a good guild officer and which ones to avoid.

I spoke too soon | Misery
This is actually a pair of posts in which Misery first points out that raid utility vs. damage is a flawed argument and subsequently analyzes a blue post about the same issue. Interesting theorycrafting for raid leaders.

Multi-Boxing Macros 102 | Three Druid Noob
Razorbax offers a primer on healing macros for the beginning multiboxer.

Goblins. Innocent Pranksters, or Evil Madmen bent on world domination? | The PvP Nub
Finally! The answer to the question, "Just what is it with those goblin doods?"