
Microsoft to Woolworths: Return the 360s we sold you; we'll keep your money

UK retailer Woolworths is set to close the remainder of its stores today after being put into administration (what we in the States know as liquidation) back in November. Microsoft is one of many companies seeking to recover their products from the chain before they get sold off to repay debts, but, according to The Times, it's going a step further. Under British law, MS can sue to get its consoles back even though Woolworths has already paid for them in full.

Sound fishy? It does ... until you consider that the chain owes MS quite a lot of money despite having paid for the systems. MS is hoping to get the consoles back -- and resell them to cover part of what it was owed -- before the administrator of Woolworths' liquidation, Deloitte, can sell them on the cheap. In the meantime, Ubisoft is still out a decent amount of scratch thanks to the retailer's collsapse.

[Via 1UP]