
April Fools: Alpine Legend makes us yodel with joy

Though many different rhythm titles featuring nearly every imaginable genre of music have been released, we've yet to get our hands on anything that caters to our ... peculiar melodic desires. Thankfully, developer Snowy Top Productions will finally fulfill our falsetto fancy with their upcoming 360-exclusive yodel simulator, Alpine Legend. We've got the debut trailer posted after the break, but to learn about the game's intriguing mountain goat expansion, you'll need to go to the official site.

We actually got our hands on this bad boy at GDC, but haven't been able to discuss it due to an embargo. We understand your skepticism, but trust us, once you're blazing through "Ricola" on Expert, you'll be filled with a sense of righteous badassitude that you've never experienced before.

[Thanks, ugotamesij!]